Arun Pawar
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A mechanical engineer who specializes in all types of testing required for management and approval of quality across industries.
He has certifications in ASNT NDT Level III (ASNT ID.:- 204782) in Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT), Radiography Testing (RT), Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT), Electromagnetic Testing (ET), Leak Testing (LT) and Visual Testing (VT).
He is also AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) (AWS ID :- 13122911) · BARC Level II in Radiography Testing (RT), ISNT Level II in Ultrasonic Testing (UT), conducts training in Laboratory Quality System, Management and Internal Audit as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025, certifies Inter Laboratory Comparison, Proficiency Testing & Evaluation of Z Scores, Measurement Uncertainty and ASME U Stamp Audits.
He is one of the top-quality professional in country.