Multi-Fuel Conversion
Multi Fuel Conversion is carried out in two phases –
- First phase is the design verification and re-design stage involving thermal calculations, identifying the changes in furnace, superheater, economizer, APH and ESP, bill of material and estimate of the benefits & costs along with timeline.
- Second phase is detailed design, manufacturing, supply, mounting and recommissioning of the boiler
Multi Fuel Conversion is need of hour due to high and unpredicted costs of coal and traditional biomass fuels. As world moves to carbon neutral cycle, governments are imposing carbon tax and restricting use of the coal. Multiple fuel options incorporate an operational mix of available fuels such as Bagasse, Cane Trash, Cane leaves, husk, agave, nut shells, king grass, coffee nuts, Palm fiber, EFB, wood chips, saw dust, high sulfur coal, mustard, cotton waste, corm waste, coconut waste, biogas and natural gas particles to main emission control equipment.