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Introduction Restoration of old equipment involves expertise due to the uncertainty of outcomes. Safe and conventional practice is to suggest replacement of the nonperforming old equipment. The 3 MW plant under discussion was proposed to be discarded in favor of a new 5 MW captive power plant. During the interactions with the plant management, Resonance […]
Typical boilers in Palm mills have poor design considerations which lead to several design issues. These include: Heavy deposits on rear walls Heavy deposits on the superheaters Choking of the bank zone Frequent cleaning of boilers Low life of superheater Low life of other parts No economizer in the boiler Poor efficiency Boiler manufacturers have […]
Resonance has successfully upgraded and renovated the 27 TPH Boiler at Palmas Del Cesar. The boiler was shut every 10-15 days due to choking at several places. The temperature of the steam varied, and the turbine operation was impacted Post upgradation and renovation, the boiler has been in operation continuously without any issues or stoppage […]
“Technology is Technology – it is replicable, transferable but best effectiveness comes with cross industry application” Today, India is considered leader in biomass technology and the credit is to the entrepreneurs who showed the courage and risk to be part of the development cycle.
“Technology is Technology – it is replicable, transferable but best effectiveness comes with cross industry application” A year ago, one phone call for a new plant changed the mindset. The existing plant was being scrapped to set up a new project (USD 6 million). The design fuel was expensive, and the only viability was local […]
Various solar technologies are available having their own advantages. Each technology has a different concept. These technologies must be compared and analyzed to define the right selection for the given operating conditions. This article limits the discussion to two best technologies available as on date. These are: Concentrated Solar Power Solar Photovoltaic The Concentrated Solar […]